
The one-hand walker

Wheeleo® helps you regain your independence by freeing up one hand, while providing continuous support during your daily activities.

An endless ramp. Wherever you go.

Wheeleo® is an innovative mobility device that reduces the risk of falls, is easy to transport and has an elegant design. As it requires only one hand to operate, your other hand remains available for everyday activities such as shopping, opening doors or simply moving your glass of water.

Explore Wheeleo® indications: Towards optimal mobility

In this section, discover the indications for Wheeleo®, to find out how this innovative tool can meet a variety of rehabilitation and mobility needs. Explore the different situations in which Wheeleo® can offer an effective and appropriate solution.

Healthcare professionals

aider votre patient

Because healthcare professionals need to be properly informed before they can prescribe Wheeleo®️ to a patient, we’ve set aside a dedicated area for them, with all the information they need to integrate Wheeleo® into your clinical practices and optimize your patients’ mobility.

They already trust us

4 unique features.

Wheeleo® combines the advantages of a walker (with wheels) and a cane.


Enjoy the stability of a rollator, without compromising your freedom. You always have one hand free for your daily activities.

Continuous support

No need to lift the device, thanks to 4 wheels always in contact with the ground. Wheeleo® allows you to move with a continuous flow. Endless support, without you even realizing it.

Elegant design

No stigmatization. Wheeleo® isn’t just a tool for the elderly. It’s simply a new-generation walking aid. Thanks to its compact design, you can take the Wheeleo® wherever you go.

Dynamic braking

Wheeleo® offers safety in stable and unstable moments. Risk of falling? Considerably weak. The absence of brakes makes for smooth running.

Created by physiotherapists.

After helping numerous patients get back on their feet, physiotherapist Geoffroy Dellicour created the Wheeleo® with the main aim of helping (semi-)paralyzed patients walk again.

Test the Wheeleo®

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