
Follow all the videos on the Wheeleo® Youtube channel. Discover the effects of Wheeleo®. Better than words, the videos speak for themselves.

The comparative videos on this page were produced with patients undergoing rehabilitation at the William Lennox Neurological Hospital in Belgium. Only a few minutes separate different shots of the same patient. The only instruction: “go back and forth between these two landmarks, without falling”. We can therefore observe their spontaneous speed, which varies according to the mobility aid used.

Clinical case #01

This patient has had hemiplegia for 2 years. He usually walks with a conventional four-legged cane. His walking speed has long since plateaued. There doesn’t seem to be much progress left to be made. Using Wheeleo® changes all that.

He feels more stable and therefore allows himself to increase his walking speed: 2-step walking, increased cadence, symmetry, step length, etc. It was therefore the quadripod cane that limited his walking speed, not his own abilities. The Wheeleo® is well suited to his difficulties.

Comparison #2

This patient presented with Guillain-Barré syndrome. On the left, with the classic quadripod cane, we can observe significant instability of the pelvis. To maintain its balance while moving, the classic quadripod cane stops in a double-supported position. It adopts a 3-step gait, all the more marked during the U-turn. His walk is jerky and slow. On the right, with the help of the Wheeleo®, she naturally and spontaneously adopts a much more fluid (less jerky) gait.

Its walking parameters change to the point where it can double its walking speed, with the same level of comfort and stability (spontaneous speed).

Thespontaneous increase in speed shows that the situation is more favorable with the Wheeleo®. It has the effect ofa one-handed rollator, much more maneuverable than a conventional rollator.

Comparison #3

This patient, suffering from hemiplegia following a stroke, still walks with numerous “defects/compensations”: mowing, asymmetric statics, slowness and 3-step walking. In the video on the right, with the help of the Wheeleo®, we can observe the disappearance of this 3-step walk. This spontaneous improvement enables him to significantly increase his walking speed, as well as other parameters: statics, cadence, etc.

There’s still a lot to be done to improve walking. Nevertheless, the Wheeleo® means that the patient no longer has to worry about suppressing her 3-step walk. She adopts a more normal gait at an early stage. This will only have a beneficial effect (repetition, intensity, positive reinforcement).

. The Wheeleo® will enable her tomove around independently more quickly during her hospital stay (walking back to her room after physiotherapy).

Comparison #4

In this patient, the use of a quadripod (or tripod) cane generates fatigue and imbalances that are greater than with the Wheeleo®. The varus of the foot is accentuated.

The Wheeleo® doesn’t yet enable him to be autonomous, but it does enable him to adopt a more normal, stable and comfortable gait. Wheeleo® is the first walking aid to be used after parallel bars or a ramp.

Comparison #5

This video shows the first steps of a patient “freshly” arrived at the William Lennox Neurological Rehabilitation Center. This video illustrates the impact of mobility aids on walking style. On the left, with a conventional quadripod cane, this hemiplegic patient spontaneously adopts a 3-step gait. This means he always has two feet on the ground to maintain his balance.

On the right, the same patient, 2 minutes later, with the Wheeleo® rollator-cane, adopts a two-step gait.

Thanks to the Wheeleo®, he can still maintain two supports on the ground while adopting a two-step gait, closer to normal. A rollator/walker could give the same effect, as it also provides constant support on the ground. Nevertheless, this patient, paralyzed in half of his body, cannot easily handle a four-wheel rollator/walker.

Comparison #6

In this comparison, you can observe the movement of this patient with severe ataxia following a head injury. Walking with a conventional cane is just as problematic as walking without one. This mobility aid doesn’t help. The 4-wheel rollator/walker is a good solution (stability, all-terrain, seat, etc.) but it monopolizes bothhands and is cumbersome in small spaces.

The Wheeleo®offers an intermediate aid between a rollator and a cane (or without a cane). It allows him to walk as well as with a rollator, keeping one hand free to interact with the environment. It gives just the right amount of help to keep him stable and comfortable with quality walking, while stimulating him to progress .

In some cases, the rollator can be too much help. This patient walks independently with the Wheeleo® indoors, and uses the rollator/walker outdoors (trips to the occupational therapy building, walks).

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